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Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a wonderful opportunity for companies to save time and money on IT while increasing productivity in a secure and reliable environment. But is it right for your business? Our experts can help you figure out the best cloud-based solution for you.
What does it mean to be “in the cloud”? The simple answer is that the Internet is “the cloud,” and companies operating within a cloud computing model have access to IT applications anytime, anywhere they have an Internet connection. Businesses can significantly reduce the costs and efforts of housing their entire IT infrastructure on-site.
At Rooney IT Services, we specialize in Google Apps implementation. With Google Apps, your data and the applications themselves are served from Google's highly secure, scalable, and reliable data centers. Google actually builds its own data centers from scratch, so they're able to have one of the lowest cost-per-server infrastructures in the world. Since Google Apps is web-based, your employees can be productive from anywhere, whether they're at their own desk, using a different computer, or on the go with a mobile device.
Rooney IT can custom fit your business with the data backup solution that fits both your budget and your needs.
Contact us today and let one of our experts lead you and your business into the cloud.
A virus is a small program designed to contaminate your computer and cause errors, computer crashes, and even destroy your hardware. A virus can grow and replicate itself. It can also travel from one computer to another via an internet connection. Malware is software that has been developed with the intention of causing problems to your computer. Spyware is a type of malware program that invades your computer and spies on you, collecting information (from bank account details to web browsing practices) that is usually sold to others. Adware is another form of malware and is precisely as the name suggests: software with advertising. Adware can be downloaded and sometimes included in free programs. Although some programs give the option not to install the extra adware, others seem to sneak it in without permission.
Whatever the concern, Rooney IT Services has the Antivirus program to give you peace of mind. Our experts will conduct a thorough analysis of your system, cleaning and removing any existing viruses and malware. We will evaluate your weaknesses, identifying any possible points-of-entry, and design an antivirus solution that will keep your data secure 24/7/365. Our experts stay up-to-date on the latest threat definitions so your antivirus program is always current.
Contact us today and let us show you the best way to protect your data.
iPhone. Android. iPad. Today’s technology market is saturated with smart phones and tablets, all designed to keep you connected to your office from the palm of your hand. We can help you seamlessly integrate your mobile devices into your day-to-day business operations.
Mobile devices are a great way for you and your employees to stay connected to the office even when you’re away from it. Many industries are also finding innovative methods to utilize mobile devices in-house to increase productivity. With so many smart phones and tablets available, figuring out which mobile devices will work best for you and your business can be tricky. Technology is being continuously improved, with upgrades and new models released often.
The experts here at Rooney It Services can help you decide on the best mobile devices for your business’ needs. We are extremely familiar with the major smart phones and tablets, and keep ourselves informed of the latest technological advances. Whether you’re planning a new mobile device purchase, or simply desiring to maximize the potential of what you already own, we can walk you through this process step-by-step.

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